Ljubica Katić “Brod”

 Zaustavite vjetrove što sa mora tuku,
pustite taj brod da uplovi u luku.
Zaustavite talase što stijene ruše,
zaustavite suze što peku i guše.

Gledam taj brod usidren na moru
i kapetana broda samog na prozoru.
Okrenu svoj brod gdje vjetrova nema,
kormilo mi osta kao uspomena.
Zbogom kapetane srećno u drugoj luci,
možda ti ne pripadaš mojoj desnoj ruci.
Neka tvoj brod plovi drugim morima plime
ja ću te čuvati u ovoj pjesmi od rime…


Stop the winds. They’re blasting from the sea,
Let that ship come into port. Stop the waves.
They’re wrecking the shore.
Stop the tears They’re burning. I’m choking on them.

I’m looking at that ship anchored at sea
and its captain at the window, standing alone.
Where there is no wind the ship he turned around,
leaving the helm to me as a memory.

Goodbye, captain, good luck in another port,
maybe on my right side you don’t belong after all.
The other seas Let your ship sail while
I, in this poem, keep you safe.

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